should experimental drugs allowance for human consumption under extreme cases? ( seeking for dualism

should experimental drugs allowance for human consumption under extreme cases? 
( seeking for dualism) 


"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known" - carl Sagan

Don't you all unanimously agree with me that we all are sustaining in a super coward era , where man has become sceptical of experiments but to gain expertise, exploration and excessive encounters from those diasporas is indispensable that would further facilitate to flourish the future of medicine and drugs. No doubt, clinical trials are germane for enhancing the growth of health care sector, for which there should be no safeguard or prevention on human intake of medicinal drug or tablets.

What are clinical trials ? 
why are they important so vital? 

Utility factors 
there are myriads of expediencies for being a part of medicare experiments and utilising medicines for both the clinical sector and even for the nation in a  broader perspective to reach the paradigm of progressive prosperation through possibile probability factor. This would enable medical practitioner to dive into the deep pool of new diagnosing methodology. In long term the medicines on experimental level would further be used to attain generic clinical treatment procedure to cure the particular indisposition . Not only this but it would cater to abstain the surgeon's prejudice regarding that neo drug that he or she has devised. All the applications regarding the unreliability or reliability of the newly manufactured capsule would come to a resolution regarding the usability or termination factor of participants .Also it would help to assemble the features for mode of pill consumption and reach to the end conclusion.  by driving scientific knowledge the doctors would further  prevent To make minute errors while manufacturing the next drug . 

Even william osler said that the medicine is a science of uncertainty and an art of probability , here, we are required to comprehend that Sir William is true about the fact explaining that medicine is unpredictable but that shouldn't bother us cause the real art always lies when the artist is not sure about his or her creation but that does not mean that the possibility of success is completely null.
In the year 2016 we developed more prominent remedy for HIV virus for the phase 2 trial of abx464 drug. this medicine contributed to basically target and focus on the reservoirs where the virus tries to hide in an undiscovered form. Other than that no one is ignorant about the dBV Technology that was developed to cure the first peanut allergy. Also now we even know that cannabinoids are the best diagnosing methodology to treat epilepsy. we would have remain  unsure about these treatment strategies without trials, that later cleared all our doubts that has now caused miracle in biomedicinal world.

 we have to be optimistic enough to perform experimental trials and formulate medicinal drug consumption willingly that would further help to unease  the shoulders of medical practitioners to extend human life expectancy rate and Endeavour to envisage the prerogative of restoring immortality someday. the practioners of medicine would further become vigilant enough to not  repeat the  shortcomings about the whole process. As the real imperative lies in seeking something notable even through the prospect of paradoxical Probability and possibility.

It needs to be stated to the citizens of every Nation that if people would not perform and participate happily in clinical trials then how revolutionary diagnosing strategies can be procured to inhibit infirmity causing pathogens  to enter our biological system. For the sake of humanity,  health and happiness,  we need to take the charge of their own survival. 

even paul nitz once enunciated, "we have slowed the process of science today, for all sorts of ethical reasons.  biomedicine could advance much faster if we abolished our rules on human experimentation in clinical trials as Nazi researches did " we need to perceive that we are not supporting naziz in any sense we are becoming pragmatic regarding the current scenario rather than living in Utopia. Rather than leaning back and relying non conventional medicine we need to address the assets and liability of mainstream medicinal trial assessment. 

once  yung pueblo said that
 "the real sign of progress is when we no longer punish ourselves for our imperfection" . so we need to grasp that we are not going to panelise our biomedical Institutions and Laboratories for experimenting in something that was priorly not successful. all we need to embrace is what we have achieved so far so we can further contribute to change as it is correctly said that,
Those who change after change will survive,
those who change with change will succeed,
but those who cause the change will finally lead.


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