1) The facade of reputation is what man seeks when he don't respect or accept his true being. 

2) What if I say, that 
My blood was born to boil , 
My anger was augmented for agony , 
My fret was fermented for fatality, 
And my writing was wrecked
For ingenuity, 
Then would you call me a genius or a prodigy, 
But do you know what it makes me? 
Nothing more than "an impulsive outlandish living in obscurity"

3) if thinking is a disease,
 then I am dead, long ago. 

 4) But for the actual human, 
the truth is that it takes more courage to kill yourself, 
then to actually drag this for a  little while.

 5) The detritus of human obscure lies in what one finds alienating, 
The schism of paradise shelves apart between what is reconcilable and what is restraint,
The estrangement defines one, 
The aversion and Antagonism sometimes happens in silence and sometimes in belligerence.



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