And then we come to the question of truth,
But who's truth are we talking about?
Like our truth or the combined truth of each one of us,
But the juxtaposition is that all of our truths are so different
That it can make the other person's eyes burn and mind blow,
Just by acquiring that,
And we as society are encultured to not offend,
Then how could anyone of us genuinely speak their truth?
By far, blatantly first accepting it in a profuse manner?
The idea that our axiom can displeasure someone irritates ourselves first,
Even before bringing it to the table,
Let rather have a dialogue over it.
So we push it on the contours edges and periphery walls .
And then we ask everyone around us about their "Raison d'être",
Like why in actuality would someone else wants to not escape ,
And tell about the actuality of facts?
As we might also get provoked with the mere imagination of their intention to be honest ,
The fear to be devoured by the ridicule of other people
Inhibit us, to contemplate, acknowledge, appreciate the endeavour one puts to be upfront
And mostly mockery is the rule of the society,
But the day the being won't get agitated in their vision to be authentic,
Their truth become unquestionable
And the essence of their being becomes Undisputable....
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