The secret of success
*_The secret of success: under the latent grind of patience and acceptance of faisco's with no fuss_*
_It's been a millenium the world is deliberating about the theme,_
_Success!Glory acheivement! The perfect transform of A person rleam ._
_The germane task to find the hidden thesis or the chemical formula to reach to that pinnacle of theory to sustain,_
_Sustain, what? The culmination to enduring segmentation to attain._
_The poor and the rich,_
_The men and the women._
_All want to be what?- *SUCCESSFUL*._
_Why? No one knows ! No one throws back the light to this lane._
_But the secret is not in Hardwork, persistence, consistency,._
_The colour decoded in the castaic lumber of fancy._
_But it is in the escalating probability of patience ,_
_To remain impotent to adhere with the manifestation of mastery in every creation._
_The secret of satisfaction is same as secret of success_,
_Cause success is different for you and me_.
_But success demand one clear thing,_
_That is to remain OKAY with symposium of strategical debacle wing._
_The tutelage of tide is serene beneath the sucking song of success,_
_It demands such a adamant adherement to the unfavourable_.
_That when you succeed the success look the potential pirate of unwreckable,_
_Unjusticiable! Unconfinable! Undefinable!_
_The SECRET is no more a secret_,
_The secret is catastrophe_.
_The secret is not to try,_
_Do or die._
_You wanna succeed_?
_Everyone wanna do that_.
_Ask yourself what you are ready to sacrifice?_
_Be it whatever and then failures won't threaten you anymore, whether it is firey summer or thundering ice._
_If the secret of success could be found,_
_You and I would become the clown of every hellhound._
_Its the hustle through the barriers of brick battlestickes_ ,
_The chase to become the most marvellous version through paradigm of turns and tricks._
_No involvement of faith is diresome,_
_Even when the success is unattainable._
_The confidence should be prefound,_
_The self beleif will mount and the dracula who is about to demise near the death bed would be crowned._
_Even if I invent a theory of success_,
_Would all of you follow it?_
_Cause there is no gateway to lucrative fortune,_
_There are no celestial stars of matchmaking who drowned to compound the miniature of impune._
_you won't get it_,
_Cause even when the sky would be painted black._
_The wail of ultra hardworker would shout!_
_To kick the funeral of non successful death._
_Troubles! Are part!_
_Trials! Make you smart!_
_Tribulations! Take you to become aureus!_
_Turbulance! Make you victorious!_
_The secret of success is simple_ ,
_Perseverance until you reach at the peak._
_Failures are the most important thing you all seek,_
_If you are criticised, you have to persist as you are strong, not weak._
_So the individual is wholesome to reach at the pros and cons of succulent semister of soulful onus_,
_if you want success, choose failure as your bonus_.
_Learning should be your Idol,_
_And Hard work your resisting rider._
_A brontide should be made in your heart and mind,_
_That settling for less is a sin._
_With unwreckable wins,
There should be more burning desire spins_.
_Mawkish are Those who consider that success is serene_,
_Success have gauches and glitches._
_Success demands burgeoning and languishing,_
_Success is Hamperment of heinous lathargic riches._
_Cater the need of innumerable to make success cheer for you,_
_Success is always yours if you start smiling taking failure as a tiny badge of honour at your coat , Do you?_
_Success comes when no one believe and everyone would view it as another common era,_
_It would take you to apex in all the diasporas of delight with detaining plethora._
_*Leeza sharma*_
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