The devil is out, alive there in the woods of darkness and depths,We have given birth to him,We have let him reside in the cities and near lakes, we have fallen prey to his lies and to his vices, we have catered to his needs and his WHILMSICLES.
The devil is not dead, the devil wanders on the edges of abysmal forests and on the contours of reckless rusts. The devil gazes upon us to eat us every single day and we have let it beast upon us. When we let the terrible happen to others around us, and don't utter a single word and sleep conflict free. The devil admires it , and we let him admire it .
We don't change, we don't contemplate, where we go wrong, where we fall short and the devil triumphs and continues to win over us day after day, decades after decades, centuries after centuries, becoming invincible and then near one foot in the grave, we remember all the vices for which we could stand and make them virtues but we didn't because we were not courageous enough to do so ,and let the unfortunate happen. Making the angels frown and the devil smile. And then we say, the devil is not dead, the devil is alive, (samay bahut bura hai) but the real devil resides within us, in each one of us. The day we loose our demons, the devil dies, instantly, Forever.
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