1) I know that you would look out for me in people and you won't ever find me, like I look out for you in people and I never find someone as senseless as you sounded on 8th december.

2) Sometimes I cry not because I miss you but only because how could I genuinely endure so much violence happening to me, expecting it to turn gentle again?

3) I know you dream of me, but I don't . I have nothing to dream about you actually. You were a born nightmare and a complete tragedy.

4) You cursed me to love you and damned me to leave you, forever. 

5) My ghost would haunt you in the places where you hid your truth and you will cry and hope if someone could look you into your eyes with passion as I did and tell you, it's going to be okay but you won't find anyone like me and then you will realise lately  that love once lost equalizes to loosing your goddamn mind, forever. 



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