You have to , I repeat you have to outgrow people, places, songs, clothes, stacks of poems, bundle of hair ties, food that you loved in childhood as it no longer feels like you as it no longer feels like your own as it no longer feels your bestowed home.
Outgrowing doesn't mean leaving or loosing something it means finding the unknowns to cherish the noveler ,wiser and more suitable
pursuits of life whether it's falling in love with a man at thirty three who treats you well rather than staying in love with your then boyfriend when you were in your twenties or writing proses on a Thursday evening rather than poems on a Saturday night.
pursuits of life whether it's falling in love with a man at thirty three who treats you well rather than staying in love with your then boyfriend when you were in your twenties or writing proses on a Thursday evening rather than poems on a Saturday night.
Outgrowing is the Enculturation of experiencing life and becoming who should be not who you can be at any time. You would always have two options to stay the way you were or outgrow the parts of yourself that don't fit well with you any longer . There is nothing actually sad or bemoaning or troubling about abandoning the fears and fates that disgust you or severing the habits or friends that nearly kills you.
The onset of outgrowing might look Scary in the start but would lead you in the destinies of where you belong or what you could be when you are nearest to your most perfect set of potential that you were born with.
Outgrow yourself, cut yourself, heal yourself, reflect on what you did but don't gaze at your past for long or you won't be able to cherish the fortunes of today. Let life happen to you and you happen to life. Smile through the corridors of pain and you can yourself evolve to emlaze the ONSET OF YOUR FORTUNED OUTGROWTH.
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