Aristotle - the ethical enigma

 *Aristotle* : _the ethical Enigma_

 the mind of Genius,

 the heart of rhetor.

 the aesthetic poetism, for what he is  loved for.

 the reflector of platonic, imprisoned in the soul.

rose  above from logic and disputation,

  in every period , at every pole.

 an observer by sight, interpreter of psyche. enunciated - _of all the things of nature there is something hidden marvelous inside_

disciple of Plato,

 creator of nicomuchus.

 is still beloved,

 among the wanderlust.

 among myriads  of Enigmas of past ,

Aristotle is still uniquely abrupt.

 as he is the creator of Crimson,

 even in the darkest of dust.

 Rose above from the Sea of stigma,

from The Renaissance of Recreation .

he made many discoveries,

 from the death of demon.

 A Nobel novelist of naturalistic beauty ,

 modesty magnificient mesmerizing aloof. fantastically fitted in the funeral of forecast, battling in the brusque banishment of baffoon.

Simplisticly  sanguine signifying the seed, vehemently vouching the venetrated weed. nonconformist negating the norms,

 loving to live, lambasting the law .

the parody of paradox paridgm,

being just in the jocularity.

 articulation of anthropogenic ,

Abberating the earnest art .

The wisest wicked of wandaring woes,

He  was  the  panoramic with no flaws.

 An instigating inspirator fueling the flame, distorting superiliciousness, being sophistically insane .

Qaundaring the quest,

Tumulting  the time.

 he created history, processing the pantomime.

 the calming choas of captivating charisma,

 the progeny of pacifistic prism.

 The gasconism of genelogistic gizmo,

 The Sinister scepticism of social symbolism .

*the greatest of Glory  grandour than gigantic,*

*Humoungsly heartful the hero who is illuminatingly innate*

*Written by* 

_Leeza sharma_


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