Detached - one liners

 Detached( one liners)

1) dreary are those hearts,

 that trick the cries into laughter.....

as  love dies,

 more than one death from every one being woed.

2) Betrothal plethora......

Advise not asked is bunch of bullshit trying hard to prove itself useful when it is all drained out to become vain.

3)the crowd would smile,

 and the conformist would sublime.

The suspectibility of reproachment can never be really defied.....

4) lucifer dies different death ,

at every hour at every unrest......

 cause when the time ring flows,

Demons start to dispose and graveyard commence to glow......

5) deceased in the head, murdered in the field. when we all align, nothing can be ever revealed.

6) the peace we all pledge  for,

 comes from the place we were edged   to be distant from.

7) granted flowers often dies due to indifference,

Rather than frustration- to glow more and more.......

8)Have you won the race?

Or you are still lying in between.....

To entertain others or yourself?

To contradict the same old lies at different Dwells.

9)broken are those hearts ,

That have never fallen for someone else.

10) Trauma can be evil,

When it is not revealed....

But it can be heniously lethal....

When the bygone cut his throat to reveal it.......



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