The boy with the biology book in the rain
_The boy in the rain with a biology book_
Assembling through his carrideges ,
Of piles of books...
Practicing hard for his next semister,
To pass the exam with no flaw to revamp the crystal...
Specs set on his ear,
A Moustache filled with ingenuous abuttation...
How can anyone look so nerd in that white dress,
That can make you romanticly absturd...
Taurus as a turtle,
Bibbling even while smiling.
With a flagrant heart of halves broken,
Verisimilitude of love is still all so patent...
I wanna kiss this boy ,
When rain falls on my doorstep , making me more annoyed...
Falling through the obsession of falling in love,
This boy can really evoke susceptibility of deferance for that packed envelope...
Tallest among all,
A heart of gold .
Gardening through care of true self and no white lies,
I wanna ask this boy again, won't he forgive me for this mistake...
For this last time...just for this last while?
Utilitarianism ,indeed hurts,
But utopicism , is all hated.
But When this boy smile, through his glasses of clear frame,
It looks aesthetic, still looking so same...
When we first talked,
He told me , he was never In love with someone...
I never knew, that I would be his - "one-for-all",
But even , I never had someone , as nice as him,
So would this boy, give me lil more time , so I can learn how to treat him?
Bonfires outside the hut,
Smiles on our faces.
Books in one of my hand,
Other holding his hand.
When I look up,
I wanna see his smiling face.
And when I look down,
I wanna see his feel him, looking down at me.
When I look at him,
I wanna see him satisfied.
I know I have done immense wrong,
Curmudgeon , for a while,
But I really do wanna apologise...
A copiously kerfuffled heart,
A long time back, I met him.
On 24 th of November , abiding through his texts .
After days and weeks,
Through the same excitement and shimmer, still all misdone...
My Glorious past,
have started revamping the cruise of half past through his back ahead.
With a Tanned skin,
And sensitivity grown out of innocent laughs and grins...
I loved him,
I know I have treated him improperly,
And he has been mistaken for the mistakes he has never made,
But can I hug him this time and cry once?
Rather than apologising...
I know we both have a lot to cover,
A distant, that would take some how .
More than We could both ever discover,
But circumstances are bound to puddle our ways, somehow , maybe not now,!
I really wanna hold his hand,
And kiss his lips in that weather that shirks rainbow stain.
If he could change his profile,
From the boy with a biology book,
to the boy livin' through the rain in the rainbowed sky...
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