Feminism that beholds us

 Feminism that beholds us

Feminism ,a subtle word,

That means the advocacy of women rights.

But feminism that behold us now is fake and absurd,

It’s no more about deliberation but mere

About abuse and petty fights.

The barriers of feminism have flourished,

But many of them are protruded in such a way

That the literal sense  has diminished .

And the literal world hold no fact to be portrayed .

Ignorance is bliss,

Arrogance appear to be divine .

The women are wearing the crown,

But still the demon of

 drugs and disrespect surrounds.

Now many of you would say

You are a girl yourself , how can you brag about all this?

Yess , i am a girl, anyway,

But over exaggerating femine culture

Demeaning men , accusing them for 

What they haven’t done , pointing the

 Fingers at them and playing the victim card 

Is out of my league and play.

Feminism is about equality , rights and gestures,

That unite us

But no gender discrimination ,persecution,oppression

Are listed down.

But what i watch on tv , newspaper,  Social media is a total fuss,

That disgusts me and makes me frown.

A queen doesn’t need a king is portrayed,

Then relationships and blame game commence.

Women are sufferers and men are toxic , masculine and Ashamed

Is this our society?

 But this is total crap and bullshit , no offense.

They say the society is male dominated 

I say yes , it might be but who are you to judge?

I’m not against feminism and women being assertive,

But don’t you agree that feminism is more about

Respect , understanding and acceptance?

Rather than deepening these male and female grudges.

Male chauvinism and female suppression 

should be eradicated,

But worthless preaching has  Nothing to do with that.

The homely talks , the kind recitation 

And polite declamation can be activated

Rather than fabricating situation and dehumanising it 

Into a battle of debate.

Let men be praised for all the good they do ,

And women be embraced for incepting Their journey to retain self worth and impartiality.

But let us think once again,

As a gentle man is , one who is courteous and polite,

A virtuous lady carries the heart of gold 

And mind of neutrality , that is well acknowledged and imbibed.



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