The Nature's nostalgia of atrocious atlanta
The nature's nostalgia of atrocious Atlanta
The curfew of cataconia ,
And the dearth of devil.
Pulled me deep in his arms,
Through the side of chambered charm.
The lone of grandeur
And the armor of amateur.
Bruised my heart so purely,
Through the jasper so genuinely.
The moon of mammoth,
And sun of solitary summer.
Fideles my fame,
Unable to sleep, unable to be ever claimed.
The jeopardize of jupiter,
And the nectar of neptune.
Portrayed the lureckage of uranus,
But it was the pluto in ruin.
The rage of rose
And ,
the smile of sunflower.
Cursed the time of solemn hour,
And the jejune of other family flowers.
The heart of heinous,
And the psyche of polymath.
Troubled the trauma of treason,
At curvy night at every sight.
The flow of flowers,
And the crystal of curious.
Placed my haunt beneath the highway,
Through replenishment of runway.
The mosque of materialistic mania,
And the mystery of mars.
mere hidden behind the muse of mercury,
Through the sun that remains statutory .
The curves of cocodomic ,
And the contigency of clover.
Pulled me through the thunder of theocratic,
Through the sip of somber sinister.
The immaculation of parched desert,
And the ecstacity of cordial collaboration.
Made me amused ,
but still so aghast.
The destitute of dereliction,
And liveliness of lunatic.
Were Entangled in the enigma,
Sacred among the stigma.
The sea and the sky .
Talk at night,
Hearing the prattles of waves,
And holy grails of slaves.
The sun and the star,
Mock through the tides .
About the helplessness of moon,
And it’s beauty that make everyone go bafoon.
The mountain and the beaches,
Enunciate about its preaches.
That though we are so far,
We love each other so deeply ,
Even at each other’s darkest of dark.
And this is the nature,
That behold the lover,
And enchase the hater.
And this the nature,
Where lives every creature .
Some baffles to engrave,
Sustaining Their stature.
Few climbing through the unattainable peak, seeking their theatre of leisure.
Demeaning the danger,
Trenching the treasure.
Adaging the adventure
At all front , so lonely but still together.
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